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Aims & Values

Weetwood Primary School is set within attractive grounds, nestled between Otley Road and Weetwood lane. The school has excellent facilities which are used by the children throughout the year.


The school building was built in 1894, as St Chad’s Home of Waifs and Strays. In 1939, at the start of the war the home was closed and later it was taken over by Leeds Education Authority. It was initially used as student accommodation and in 1995, it was opened as Weetwood Primary School.


The school has extensive grounds, which have recently been improved, including a well-being garden, a climbing frame, teepees and a role play area on all-weather astro turf. The Preschool and Reception have a dedicated space with a woodland area, climbing frame, tyres, a climbing wall and water play.


These areas provide open spaces for children to play during break times and lunchtimes and are well utilised for PE lessons and after school clubs.


Our Vision & Aims


At Weetwood Primary School:​


  • We promote a love of learning within a safe and happy school, in which every person is included and special.

  • We provide a creative and challenging curriculum in order to develop children’s confidence, self esteem and academic achievement.

  • We work in partnership with governors, parents and our local community and celebrate success in all we do.

  • We aim for all the pupils to feel secure and happy, with a view to fulfilling their true potential. We believe that happy children learn well.

  • We aim to create an environment where children develop the confidence to think for themselves, develop independence and enjoy their time at school.

  • We encourage the children to be actively involved in developing learning skills and ideas, in order that they can work and achieve to the best of their ability.

  • All children are set challenging, yet achievable targets and play an active role in evaluating their progress.

  • We aim to teach the children the following values to the children throughout their journey at Weetwood. 


School Mission Statement 


Respecting each other, 

Striving to be our best, 

Learning in a happy school. 


We feel it is our task to identify the needs of pupils and help them to: 


  • Develop values and attitudes such as self-respect, curiosity, open-mindedness, justice and fairness; 


  • Develop skills for intellectual, physical, emotional and social learning; 


  • Acquire knowledge in a way that encourages concept formation, independent learning and self-assessment; 


  • Be properly equipped with the skills they will need to have control over their own lives and environment, and to be able to take a positive role in the community; 


  • Acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for now and for their future family, community and work roles; 


  • Begin to understand the complex world in which they live; 


  • Become aware of their environment, locally, nationally and globally, of its ecological importance and the influences of human beings upon it; 


  • Appreciate, and develop the confidence to contribute to human achievements; 


  • Value and have confidence in themselves, to care for others and recognise our human interdependence as individuals, groups and nations; 


  • Learn important social skills through interaction with others, thus enabling them to take responsibility for their own actions and become aware that these have an effect on the wider environment.

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