Reception 2025 Open Morning - Wednesday 27th November at 9.30am - Fully Booked New Date - Wednesday 8th January at 9.30am - please complete this Google form
Preschool 2025 Open Days - Saturday 9th November - 10am - 12noon & Wednesday
20th November - 3.30pm-5.30pm
SEND Provision and Inclusion at Weetwood Primary School
What types of SEND do we provide for?
At Weetwood Primary School we provide for a range of SEND. Currently in school we support children with speech, language and communication needs, children who have social, emotional or mental health needs, children with moderate learning difficulties, children who have a diagnosis of Autism, children who have Down’s Syndrome and children who have hearing impairments.
How do we identify and assess pupils with SEND?
We identify children with SEND at the earlies point that we can. This can be in our Early Years setting or KS1 classes. We use a graduated response system. When teachers think that a child may have some additional needs they can alert the SENCO by writing a ‘SEND cause for concern form’. This includes several needs that the teacher may have identified. Once the SENCO is alerted to this the child will be monitored closely-this means that the SENCO will look at the progress and development of the child and also work with the parents/carers if necessary. In our termly pupil progress reviews the children who are being monitored are discussed as well as any meeting with parents of carers. If we feel that the child needs to go onto the SEN register this will be identified in the meeting if the child has begun to make progress and we feel it is not necessary to place them on the SEND register then we will continue the monitoring process.
SEND pupils are tracked using our whole school tracker- which tracks the progress of pupils using teacher assessment knowledge which is supported by testing. As well as this for some pupils we use smaller targets in the form of B-Squared. B-Squared breaks the curriculum down into smaller objectives and can be used for both formative and summative assessment. In termly pupil progress meetings teachers will bring their B-Squared assessments with them to discuss the progress of SEND pupils. The SENCO will monitor this progress and attainment and will also help teachers to set appropriate targets for these pupils, if needed additional support plans will be written as part of the monitoring process
Who is our special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) and how can he/she be contacted?
Amy Pickin is the schools SENCO. She can be contacted via the school office on 01133230450 or via email on (FAO SENCO)
What is our approach to teaching pupils with SEND?
At Weetwood Primary School we aim to meet the needs of every pupil individually. We value every child and this is reflected in our school mission statement:
Respecting each other
Expecting our best
Learning in a happy school
We believe that children with SEND should be supported to achieve their highest potential and this comes through early identification and a ‘graduated response’ to the needs of the child. Teachers are given a range of support in teaching children with SEND in the form of training, resources, time with the SENCO or support from outside agencies. Termly meetings are held with the class teachers and SENCO where support plans are discussed and updated. It is in these meetings, that we discuss achievements as well as struggles and decide on the best way forward to support a particular child. After these meetings, parents are then updated on any changes made through a meeting or phone call with the SENCO or class teacher. We want SEND pupils to also develop independence through teaching strategies and this is also reflected in lessons- where we want every child to develop a love of learning and a positive approach to challenges.
How do we adapt the curriculum and learning environment?
We are constantly looking for ways to adapt our curriculum and learning environments to provide for the needs of SEND pupils. We share this practice across school and ensure this is passed through school as the children moves up a year. When planning lessons to meet the needs of all pupils staff use B-Squared to give them a specific starting point for SEND pupils. Staff use the B-Squared to ensure that SEND pupils are working with the correct objectives in the lesson and where the objective is different to that with the whole class they will find links to what they are teaching. Staff are aware of the many resources in school that we have to support SEND pupils. For example; they may use, pencil grips, coloured screens and word banks, visual timetables, differentiated work. They may also use support staff to help scaffold learning in the classroom. Where ever possible staff will look for ways of supporting SEND pupils in the classroom to ensure the child feels included with their cohort.
How do we enable pupils with SEND to engage in activities with other pupils who do not have SEND?
Pupils with SEND in school take part in every class and whole school activity. They are a valued part of our community and are able to access the whole range of extra-curricular activities. Children will often work in mixed ability groups in the classroom and teachers model inclusive, supportive and friendly relationships on a daily basis. During particular events such as sports day and trips, reasonable adjustments are made to enable pupils with SEND to access and enjoy the day.
How do we consult parents of pupils and pupils with SEND and involve them in their child’s education?
Parents are informed when children are put onto the SEND register through meeting with the child’s class teacher. Parents may also be contacted if teacher has an SEND cause for concern about the child. Parents have regular meetings with the class teacher. In this meeting the parent will be able to talk through their child’s needs and any concerns that they may have. If necessary meetings can be arranged with the SENCO and class teacher as well as any outside agencies working with the child.
Children with SEND are involved in all pupil voice activities that we do in school. Wherever possible we talk to the pupils about their targets and all SEND pupils are given targets which they discuss with their teachers. In the annual review process for children who have EHCPs we talk to the children and ask them about their view of their education.
How do we support pupils with transition?
We work very closely with SENCOs for any schools where there is transition from our school. We keep files for every child on the SEND register and these are passed onto transition schools. If necessary we will organize for parents to meet with the SENCO several times before transition takes place. We can also work with parents as they make the choice of schools. We liaise with SENCOs to arrange additional transition days (if needed)
When children in school move from KS1 to 2 we work closely with SEND children in transition weeks to ensure that the children’s needs are met by their new teachers. We also arrange transition meeting between the teachers in the summer term and also between support staff where staff pass on intervention resources and also knowledge of children’s needs.
How will we secure specialist expertise?
We work with several outside agencies to ensure that the training we receive and the guidance that we follow is directed by specialists. This is secured by the SENCO who liaises with these agencies and ensures that training is passed onto the right people.
How will we secure equipment and facilities to support pupils with SEND?
The SENCO uses the SEN budget each year to ensure that we provide for the needs of SEND pupils using special equipment. We use our notional budget to ensure that we provide the first £6000 for every child with SEND. This ensures we provide the correct facilities and equipment to support SEND pupils
How do we evaluate the effectiveness of our SEND provision?
Through our graduated response to SEND pupils. We assess, plan, do and review every case. We do this termly through our support plan meeting with teachers but also through our monitoring process. Teachers have regular daily access to the SENCO and so can make her aware of any changes in provision or any gaps that need to be filled.
How do we handle complaints from parents of children with SEND about provision made at the school?
Any complaint is handled directly by the SENCO and the Headteacher as well as the SEND governor. All three are responsible for dealing with SEND complaints. The parent is able to make an appointment with the teacher, the SENCO and the Headteacher to discuss the matter and can write to the SEND governor with details of the complaint. Together with the parent the school will look to find a solution/ solutions to any complaint brought to school with reference to the school complaints policy.
Where can the LA’s local offer be found? How have we contributed to it?
Leeds Local Offer can be found here:!/directory